pkgRoot = "/home/runner/work/jibby/jibby/jibby"
- The root of the jibby package. This will resolve into the actual path of your jibby package at compile-time, so ignore what the docs say here.
proc patchCompiler() {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Call this proc to override Nim's memory management utilities to better optimize it for the Game Boy environment.
Specifically, it patches memory.nim from the system module to Jibby's own version located in pkgRoot /utils/nimMemory.nim.
proc precompileTools() {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- Call this proc in your config.nims to precompile the needed compile and link wrappers. These tools will be placed in .tools/ of your project directory.
proc setupToolchain() {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- Call this proc to configure the Nim parameters for compiling Game Boy programs.