Making the main game loop

Now that everything is set up, it’s time to get into the actual game. The flow here is processing input first, and then acting based on the received inputs.

Game loop code
@{Handle joypad input}
@{Handle ball physics}
@{Update screen}
@{Wait one frame}
    jp GameLoop

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I wait for one frame to pass first (so as to run the loop once per frame), and then return to the start of the loop. If I didn’t wait a frame first, then the loop would run like a billion times per frame and be actually unplayable, which isn’t what I want.

1. Updating the screen

Stepping one frame at a time

The first thing I’ll do in the game’s main loop is to make sure that the logic is run once per frame. This halt instruction will wait until an interrupt is encountered, and then it’ll resume executing. Since I have VBlank enabled at this point, this is an advantage. Using halt over waiting for VBlank myself saves battery since the Game Boy doesn’t have to keep checking all the time if VBlank is reached or not.

The downside however, is that there’s a hardware bug which sometimes causes the instruction after halt to be executed twice. I’ll place a nop below just to be safe, so that if it happens the Game Boy will do nothing (twice).

Wait one frame

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But since halt waits for any interrupt, it might be a good idea at this point to specifically ask for VBlank, in case I add any more interrupt handlers. I’ll do this by having a flag that will be acknowledged when the VBlank interrupt is encountered.

HRAM definitions +=
hAskVBlank:: db

It’s acknowledged by zeroing it out:

Contents of VBlank +=
    xor a
    ldh [hAskVBlank], a

Now I’ll create a function that specifically waits for VBlank. It sets hAskVBlank and checks if it has been acknowledged.

    ld a, 1
    ldh [hAskVBlank], a
    ldh a, [hAskVBlank]
    and a
    ret z  ; exit if vblank is acknowledged
    jr .loop

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Helper functions +=

And then I’ll replace this frame-waiting code with a single call to the new function:

Wait one frame :=
    call DelayFrame

Updating the sprites

Sprite updating is done from within the game logic. I’ll just reuse the sprite setup routines from earlier, since it’s easier for me to just reinitialize the sprites rather than manually changing their positions one by one.

Update screen
@{Update sprite positions}

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Update sprite positions
    call SetupLeftPaddle
    call SetupRightPaddle
    call SetupBall

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Updating the score display

I could try to make this update within the main loop, because it is possible to update VRAM outside of VBlank. However that requires a wait until the VRAM is writable for each operation, and that may be a bit risky. So, I want to just do it in VBlank instead.

Contents of VBlank +=
@{Update the score display}

I’ll throw in some more constants to set the starting point of the scores within the tilemap.

Constants +=

ShowScore is going to just use A and HL for the input.

Update the score display
    ld a, [wLeftScore]
    call ShowScore
    ld a, [wRightScore]
    call ShowScore

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And ShowScore is defined… here:

;; @param A     score value, BCD
;; @param HL    where in VRAM to place it in
;; @clobber BC  the split score value
;; @clobber DE  $20 - 1
@{Split score into two numbers}
@{Print top half of the score}
@{Print bottom half of the score}

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Helper functions +=

I’m going to assume that the scoring system operates on binary-coded decimal (BCD). Practically speaking, it just means that the two halves of the score’s hexadecimal representation never go past 9, so no A, B, C, D, E, or F. Sure, the number won’t accurately represent the score as data, but in the interest of making an “easy” implementation, it’ll do.

First I’ll split the number into two parts, and then add them to the starting tile of the numeral “0” in the tileset.

Split score into two numbers
    ld b, a  ; save original number

; get the lower half and put it into C
    and %00001111
    add $10 ; starting tile of numeral "0"
    ld c, a

; get the upper half and put it into B
    ld a, b
    and %11110000
    swap a  ; make it the lower half
    add $10 ; starting tile of numeral "0"
    ld b, a

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The score’s “tens” position is now in B, while the “ones” are in C. All that’s left to do is to put them in memory.

Print top half of the score
    ld [hl], b
    inc hl
    ld [hl], c

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I’ll have to move the cursor down, then write the lower half. I’ll add to BC by $10, since the lower half of the numbers in the tile set comes right after the upper half.

Print bottom half of the score
; move VRAM position
    ld de, $20 - 1
    add hl, de

; I assume the lower half comes directly
; after the upper half, so add the offset
; to b and c
    ld a, 10
    add b
    ld b, a
    ld a, 10
    add c
    ld c, a

; put it to the screen
    ld [hl], b
    inc hl
    ld [hl], c

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2. First visuals

So far, I should have a static screen of just the game objects, the background, and the scoreboard.

If I fiddle around with the memory locations of the paddle positions and whatnot, I can move them “interactively”. A good sign. That means I can just fiddle around with these locations within game code, which I’ll do next.

Basic pong screen with score 0-0

3. Input handling

The player’s controller should be able to control the paddles. My plan here is to have the player control the left paddle, while the right paddle is a CPU opponent.

So I’ll build the input handling routine thus:

Handle joypad input
@{Handle the left paddle}
@{Handle the right paddle}

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Joypad routine

I’ll need a way to read the Game Boy’s button inputs and store them somewhere to be referred later. I’ll place the destination address to HRAM:

HRAM definitions +=
hInput:: db

And an outline of the function to be written:

    @{Read d-pad input and store}
    @{Read button input and store}
    @{Reset the joypad register}

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Helper functions +=

The d-pad input and button input are treated separately by rJOYP, as can be seen from the docs.

The explanation says writing 0 to P14/P15 will select the appropriate button set, but really is writing a 1 into the opposite of the selected button set.

So I make flag constants to reflect this.

Constants +=

First I select the d-pad (that is to say, “not buttons”). It sets up this register to listen for d-pad inputs.

Read d-pad input and store
ldh [rJOYP], a

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Then I read the input several times, because analog controls are funny. This allows the inputs to stabilize.

Read d-pad input and store +=
rept 4
ldh a, [rJOYP]

The result is stored where everything is 1 except the bits for which the corresponding buttons were set. I want to see a 1 where the button is pressed, so I inverted the result, grabbed only the lower half and swapping it with the upper half, then store temporarily.

Read d-pad input and store +=
cpl       ; flip all the bits
and %1111 ; get only lower half
swap a    ; make it the upper half
ld b, a   ; store to b

Doing the same to the button inputs.

Read button input and store
ldh [rJOYP], a
rept 4
ldh a, [rJOYP]

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This time, I get to OR it with the value I saved earlier.

Read button input and store +=
cpl              ; flip all the bits
and %1111        ; get only lower half
or b             ; merge with the d-pad input earlier
ldh [hInput], a  ; save

I don’t need to manipulate the joypad anymore, so I’ll try resetting rJOYP.

Reset the joypad register
ldh [rJOYP], a

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Define joypad constants

The subroutine above places the d-pad set in the upper half (bits 4-7), and the buttons set in the lower half (bits 0-3). hInput can be checked with e.g. the bit <N>, a instruction to see if a certain button is pressed. Let’s define the button flag numbers here:

Constants +=
BUTTONF_A      equ 0
BUTTONF_B      equ 1
BUTTONF_UP     equ 6

Just in case I’ll want to check a specific button combination, I’ll define its numerical equivalents as well:

Constants +=
BUTTON_A      equ 1<<BUTTONF_A
BUTTON_B      equ 1<<BUTTONF_B

Handle the left paddle

Pong controls are simple—move paddles up and down. Since this will be run once every frame, I check the joypad via the routine from earlier and then jump depending whether the up or down button is pressed. I’m using a compare here because I want to check if only up or only down is pressed, but not both (even though that will resolve to “up” anyway, since up is processed first).

This section could be read as having early ret, except the ret is replaced with a jump to the next section of the code here.

Handle the left paddle
    call ReadJoypad
    ldh a, [hInput]
    jr z, .left_paddle_done
    cp BUTTON_UP
    jr z, .up
    jr z, .down
    jr .left_paddle_done

@{Move the left paddle up}

@{Move the left paddle down}


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I define some constants for the paddle’s speed (this is currently static; used in the rept directive), and the upper and lower boundaries where the paddle can’t move any further.

Constants +=
; this is a static constant

; Y boundaries

Moving the paddle up is basically decrementing wLeftPaddleY (since the value encodes how far down the screen it is) with a check to cap it at the desired boundaries.

Move the left paddle up
    ld a, [wLeftPaddleY]

    dec a
    jr nc, .apply_up

; cap position

    ld [wLeftPaddleY], a
    jr .left_paddle_done

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Same with moving it down, except it increments instead.

Move the left paddle down
    ld a, [wLeftPaddleY]
    inc a
    jr c, .apply_down

; cap position

    ld [wLeftPaddleY], a
    jr .left_paddle_done

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Handle the right paddle

Since the right paddle isn’t going to be controlled by the player, I’ll leave this empty for now.

Handle the right paddle

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Split into subroutines

Okay, so it turns out that I might want to split these into subroutines, after all. Sure, splitting it and then calling them is a bit slower than just placing the code directly, but it helps with readability.

Handle joypad input :=
    call HandleLeftPaddleInput
    call HandleRightPaddleInput

Remember when I said about early ret earlier in this page? I turned it into a real-deal early ret:

Helper functions +=
@{Handle the left paddle}

@{Handle the right paddle}

Effectively, this means the jr z, .done instructions (and similar) within those functions can be optimized away to a ret z. But I’m not doing that here, because this markup system as it is would make me rewrite entire sections for that…

4. Ball physics

Well, I’ll try. The ball will be moving at a single speed value, so I’ll have the game try to determine the ball’s next direction and then apply that “vector” to the ball. It’s similar to how the input handling works, really.

Handle ball physics
    call DetermineBallDirection
    call ApplyBallMovement

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Helper functions +=
@{Determine ball's next movement}

@{Apply ball movement}

I’ll want to keep track of the ball’s direction. Uses three bits: one for the horizontal direction, another for the vertical, and an extra one just because I wanted the ball to start serving straight in the direction of the paddles.

WRAM definitions +=
;; bit 0: left (0) / right (1)
;; bit 1: up (0) / down (1)
;; bit 2: no vertical momentum (0) / vertical momentum (1)
wBallNextDirection:: db

And the matching flag constants.

Constants +=
; wBallNextDirection bits
F_VERTICAL   equ 1

I’ll first write up the game applying the determined direction, since that’s the easier bit.

Apply ball movement
@{Apply horizontal movement}

@{Apply vertical movement}


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Determining the direction itself is a bit more involved, since that’s basically the collision checking routine. Instead of checking if the ball is touching another sprite, I want to use hard ranges.

The ball will bounce in both the X and Y directions when it hits a paddle, but only in the Y direction when it hits a wall.

Determine ball's next movement
@{Determine if the ball collides with anything}

@{Switch ball directions}
    jr .skip_collision

@{Switch ball directions but only the Y axis}


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Apply horizontal movement

First, let’s deal with how the ball moves horizontally.

Apply horizontal movement
@{Determine the ball's new horizontal direction}

@{Move the ball to the right}
    jr .apply_ball_y

@{Move the ball to the left}
    ; jr .apply_ball_y

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I get the next ball’s next direction and store it in B, because I’ll change A a bunch in the following sections. That way I can reuse the original value should A be changed.

Determine the ball's new horizontal direction
    ld a, [wBallNextDirection]
; store next direction in b
    ld b, a
; load horizontal position
    ld hl, wBallX
    bit F_HORIZONTAL, b
    jr z, .move_ball_left

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I pointed HL to wBallX and simply incremented and decremented it directly.

Move the ball to the right
    inc [hl]

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Move the ball to the left
    dec [hl]

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Apply vertical movement

Next up is the ball’s vertical movement. This is similar to the previous section.

Apply vertical movement
@{Determine the ball's new vertical direction}

@{Move the ball down}
    jr .finished_applying

@{Move the ball up}
    ; jr .finished_applying

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Since there’s a flag to apply the vertical movement, I’ll check for that as well. If that’s not set, it skips processing the vertical movement.

Determine the ball's new vertical direction
    ld hl, wBallY
    jr z, .finished_applying
    bit F_VERTICAL, b
    jr z, .move_ball_up

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Move the ball down
    inc [hl]

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Move the ball up
    dec [hl]

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Collision checking

Well, time for the collision check. I’ll first check if the ball hits any of the paddles' X coordinates, and if so, jumps to the paddle collision check portion. I’ll also check if the ball collides with the top and bottom of the arena.

The paddle collision routines are its own little thing here, since the line before it is basically another early return.

Determine if the ball collides with anything
@{Check if the ball hits the paddles' X coordinates}
@{Check if the ball is colliding with the top and bottom of the arena}
    jr .skip_collision

@{Check if the ball is touching the left paddle}

@{Check if the ball is touching the right paddle}

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Checking if the ball is in the range of the paddles

First I’ll check if it’s in or beyond the line of the left paddle. I’ll add the paddle’s width to the offset because the line to be checked is to the right of the paddle.

I’ll also check if the ball is to the right of where the left paddle begins, that way the ball won’t collide with the space at the back of the paddle.

Check if the ball hits the paddles' X coordinates
    ld a, [wBallX]
    jr c, .additional_left_check
    jr z, .additional_left_check
    jr .left_x_done

; [wBallX] >= (LEFT_PADDLE_X)
    jr nc, .check_left_colliding


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Then I’ll check if it’s in or beyond the line of the right paddle. In this case, the line is to the left of the paddle. Likewise with making sure it doesn’t collide with blank space.

Check if the ball hits the paddles' X coordinates +=
    jr nc, .additional_right_check
    jr .right_x_done

    jr c, .check_right_colliding


The paddle’s graphics are 1 tile wide, and 1 tile is 8 pixels wide. So:

Constants +=
PADDLE_WIDTH equ 8 ; pixels

Simple paddle collision

Now, I’ve checked that the ball is in the paddle’s horizontal range. Let’s say it passes. I’ll now have to check the vertical range, because the paddles aren’t of infinite height unlike some games I can mention.

I want this to collide when (wLeftPaddleYwBallYwLeftPaddleY + PADDLE_HEIGHT).

That is, to say: ((wLeftPaddleYwBallY) AND (wBallYwLeftPaddleY + PADDLE_HEIGHT)).

But checking this way would be tricky, so I can invert this to make the ball pass through when: ((wBallY < wLeftPaddleY) OR (wBallY > wLeftPaddleY + PADDLE_HEIGHT)).

Check if the ball is touching the left paddle
    ld hl, wLeftPaddleY
    ld a, [wBallY]
    cp [hl]
; pass if wBallY < wLeftPaddleY
    jr c, .skip_collision

    sub a, PADDLE_HEIGHT
    cp [hl]
; collide if wBallY-PADDLE_HEIGHT = wLeftPaddleY
    jr z, .switch_directions
; pass if wBallY-PADDLE_HEIGHT > wLeftPaddleY
    jr nc, .skip_collision
    jr .switch_directions

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I wanted to reuse the value of wBallY somehow, so I expressed that right half as (wBallY-PADDLE_HEIGHT > wLeftPaddleY).

While I’m at it, I’ll define the paddle height here, too. The paddle is 5 tiles tall, so 8 × 5 = 40 pixels…

Constants +=
PADDLE_HEIGHT equ 40 ; pixels

Adding directional awareness

That simple approach creates a bit of a problem where the direction will just be inverted no matter where the ball collided with the paddle. For example, the ball can bounce down even when it collided with the top of the paddle. Probably not what you’ll expect of a standard Pong game.

I’ll want to store how far the ball is from the top of the paddle. That way, the ball will bounce down only when it hits the bottom half of the paddle. Otherwise, it bounces up.

WRAM definitions +=
wDeltaYFromPaddle:: db

Then I’ll need to rework the previous logic to reflect this. I changed the first cp [hl] to sub [hl] to get the distance between the top of the paddle and the ball.

There’s also no need to check against [HL] again, since I’m working off of the calculated distance value.

Check if the ball is touching the left paddle :=
    ld hl, wLeftPaddleY
    ld a, [wBallY]
    sub [hl]
; pass if wBallY < wLeftPaddleY
    jr c, .skip_collision

; pass if wBallY-wLeftPaddleY > PADDLE_HEIGHT
    jr z, .save_delta_and_collide_left
    jr nc, .skip_collision

    ld [wDeltaYFromPaddle], a
    jr .switch_directions

Right paddle collision

Now that I’ve got the left paddle collision worked out, it’s a matter of applying the same thing to the right paddle. This is only processed when the ball hits the X position of the right paddle, so wDeltaYFromPaddle should still be correct here.

Check if the ball is touching the right paddle
    ld hl, wRightPaddleY
    ld a, [wBallY]
    sub [hl]
    jr c, .skip_collision
    jr z, .save_delta_and_collide_right
    jr nc, .skip_collision
    ld [wDeltaYFromPaddle], a
    jr .switch_directions

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Switching directions

Once a collision is detected, I can switch the ball’s direction with respect to the delta Y position previously calculated. At this point, A = wDeltaYFromPaddle, so I don’t need to load it again.

Switch ball directions
    ld a, [wBallNextDirection]
; bounce down if delta Y > (PADDLE_HEIGHT/2)
    jr nc, .down
; up
    xor a, 1 << F_HORIZONTAL  ; invert the horizontal direction
    res F_VERTICAL, a         ; move up
    jr .set_direction
    xor a, 1 << F_HORIZONTAL  ; invert the horizontal direction
    set F_VERTICAL, a         ; move down
    set F_APPLY_VERTICAL, a   ; always set the vertical apply flag
    ld [wBallNextDirection], a

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The xor a, 1 << F_HORIZONTAL instruction couldn’t be placed right after wBallNextDirection was retrieved, since I’d lose the result of the cp PADDLE_HEIGHT/2 instruction. So, that one is duplicated across branches.

Colliding with the bounds of the arena

Fortunately, this is a really simple check.

Check if the ball is colliding with the top and bottom of the arena
    ld a, [wBallY]
    jr c, .switch_only_y_direction
    jr z, .skip_collision
    jr nc, .switch_only_y_direction

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Set the boundaries…

Constants +=

…And flip the verticality.

Switch ball directions but only the Y axis
    ld a, [wBallNextDirection]
    xor a, 1 << F_VERTICAL
    ld [wBallNextDirection], a

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5. Giving players some points

One way I can give points to the players is by doing it directly when the ball updates its position. So, I’ll modify the ball physics code from before to make it call (or rather—jump to) a scoring function when it hits the edges of the screen.

A point is earned for the left player when the ball goes out on the right half of the screen.

Move the ball to the right +=
; if new X >= (160+8), score one point towards the left player
    ld a, [hl]
    cp 160+8
    jp nc, ScorePointsAndReset

Likewise, a point earned for the right player when the ball goes out on the left half.

Move the ball to the left :=
; forcibly clear flags, at this point A=0
    and a  ; clear carry
    rla    ; clear zero

    dec [hl]
; if new X < 0, score one point towards the right player
; set carry flag to mark the right player earns 1 point
    jr nz, .apply_ball_y
    jp ScorePointsAndReset

I’ll use the carry flag to differentiate between the two when going to scoring.

The scoring function

In addition to giving a player 1 point, I want to make it reset the game state so that the next round can begin cleanly.

Score points and reset the game state
;; Score points and reset the game states.
;; @param Carry   if set, give 1 point to the right player.
;;                otherwise, give 1 point to the left player.
@{Determine if the score to be given is to the left player or the right}
@{Reset the game state}

@{Score points to the appropriate player}

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I also want to make it so that the game switches who “serves” the ball. This value will be copied onto wBallNextDirection later.

Constants +=
; wWhichServe values (using wBallNextDirection)
WRAM definitions +=
wWhichServe:: db

The target is determined by HL, which is set to the left player’s score’s address initially. When carry is set, it will be overwritten to that of the right player’s. I’ll also want to use this section to set the serving player to that opposite of the winner.

Determine if the score to be given is to the left player or the right
    ld hl, wLeftScore
    jr nc, .left_player_won

; right player won
    ld hl, wRightScore
    ld [wWhichServe], a
    call .give_point
    jr .got_player

    ld [wWhichServe], a
    call .give_point


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And then, reset the game for a new round.

Reset the game state
    call ResetGame
    jp GameLoop

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Since I’m using BCD for scoring, I’ll be using the decimal adjust (daa) instruction. It relies on the correct flags being set in order to perform the adjustments, so I’m gonna have to reset the flags prior to incrementing it.

Score points to the appropriate player
    ld a, [hl]
    and a  ; reset flags
    inc a
    ld [hl], a

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Split off game resetting function

As a consequence, the game initialization routine will have to be split off into its own function. This time, wWhichServe is considered here, and wDeltaYFromPaddle will also be reset.

    ld [wLeftPaddleY], a
    ld [wRightPaddleY], a
    ld [wBallX], a
    ld [wBallY], a
    ld a, [wWhichServe]
    ld [wBallNextDirection], a
    xor a
    ld [wDeltaYFromPaddle], a
    call SetupLeftPaddle
    call SetupRightPaddle
    jp SetupBall

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Set up sprites and variables :=
    call ResetGame
Helper functions +=
@{Score points and reset the game state}

6. The simplest possible AI

As mentioned earlier, I reserved the right paddle handler routine to be controlled as the CPU opponent. I’m gonna attempt to make its “thinking” routine.

First, I’ll make a very simple one that just copies the position of the ball.

Handle the right paddle :=
@{Load the ball's current Y position}
@{Set position boundaries}
@{Set right paddle's Y position}
Load the ball's current Y position
    ld a, [wBallY]

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I also apply the boundary checks here.

Set position boundaries
; assumes A is the calculated paddle position
    jr c, .limit_upper
    jr nc, .limit_lower
    jr .set_paddle_y
    jr .set_paddle_y
    ;jr .set_paddle_y

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Set right paddle's Y position
    ld [wRightPaddleY], a

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What this results in is a pretty unfair AI that always catches the ball. Let’s just say you’ll be having a hard time beating it.

Delayed AI

Let’s make it a bit fairer. How about having the paddle move only after a short while? Say, it should wait a couple of frames until it’s able to move the paddle.

I can do this by setting a single delay and then having a timer that decrements on every step. Then when the timer hits zero, the paddle can move and the timer can be reset again. I’m gonna need two extra variables:

WRAM definitions +=
wAIMovementDelay:: db
wAISetDelay:: db

Next, the delay constant.

Constants +=

I set this up in the intializer function.

Set up sprites and variables +=
    ld [wAISetDelay], a

Next, let’s rework the right paddle function.

Handle the right paddle :=
@{Determine if the right paddle can move or not}
@{Only decrement the timer}

@{Reset the timer}
@{Move the right paddle relative to the ball}

@{Set position boundaries}
@{Set right paddle's Y position}


First up, I’ll check the timer if it’s run out. If so, I can try moving the right paddle.

Determine if the right paddle can move or not
    ld a, [wAIMovementDelay]
    and a
    jr z, .move_paddle

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Otherwise, I’ll just decrement the timer and skip trying to move it.

Only decrement the timer
    dec a
    ld [wAIMovementDelay], a
    jr .skip_right_paddle

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If the timer did reach zero, it’ll be reset to its initial value.

Reset the timer
    ld a, [wAISetDelay]
    ld [wAIMovementDelay], a

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And then move the paddle up or down depending on whether the ball is above the paddle or below the paddle.

Move the right paddle relative to the ball
    ld hl, wRightPaddleY
    ld a, [wBallY]
    cp [hl]
    ld a, [hl]

; if paddle is lower than ball, move up
    jr c, .move_up

; else, move down
    inc a
    jr .check_boundaries

    dec a
    ; jr .check_boundaries

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And there you have it, an AI you can beat. Well, there are quirks to be sorted out here, but it’s alright I guess, even though this is more A than I.

7. First proof of concept

With that, I’ve got the first version that’s “playable”. Kinda. For the most part, the basic parts of the game works as expected: