
This is the very first thing that’s executed once the Game Boy reaches my program, so I’ll want to have the Game Boy in a predictable state after booting up. This is done through the initialization process.

Initialization code
@{Disable interrupts}
@{Save the Game Boy type}
@{Turn off the screen}
@{Clear RAM and place the stack pointer}
@{Reset audio}
@{Reset the screen}
@{Copy HRAM DMA code}

@{Set up the game graphics}
@{Set up sprites and variables}

@{Turn on screen}
@{Enable the interrupts again}

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1. First steps

I’ll disable interrupts throughout the initialization process to ensure nothing.. er, “interrupts” me trying to reset the Game Boy state.

Disable interrupts

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Right after the boot ROM hands over control to my program, the A register contains different values depending on which Game Boy (or rather, which boot ROM) is used. In case I want to have console-specific features in the future (for example, palettes or extended graphics on Game Boy Color), I’ll store this to a variable.

I’ll place this variable in HRAM:

HRAM definitions
hGBType:: db

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db is “define byte”, used here as a shortcut for ds 1. ds itself (as you’ll see in a bit) is—I think— “define space”, basically a static allocation of some number of bytes.

And let this be the first thing done:

Save the Game Boy type
    ldh [hGBType], a

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2. Setting up RAM and stack

Clear RAM and place the stack pointer
@{Clearing WRAM}
@{Set up SP}
@{Clearing HRAM}

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I’ll clear WRAM by setting it to all zeroes. This uses FillMem16, which I defined earlier.

I pointed HL to the start of WRAM, BC to the size of WRAM (simply subtract the start of WRAM from the start of Echo RAM), and A to 0.

Ordinarily ld a, 0 can be used to zero out a. But xor a, a (or simply xor a) has the same effect and is faster. It performs an exclusive OR between a and itself, resulting in 0 and stores the result back in a. Since the result is 0, it sets the Z flag—but I don’t care about that right now.

Clearing WRAM
    xor a
    ld hl, WRAM_START
    call FillMem16

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Next, I clear out HRAM. I’ll use FillMem8 here, since the clearing range is quite small. It’s the same as FillMem16, except the range is 8 bits, and set in C. I don’t need to set A again, since that remains zero.

I clear out one byte into HRAM, since the first byte is already occupied by the saved GB type.

Clearing HRAM
    ld hl, hGBType + 1
    ld c, $ffff - (hGBType - 1)
    call FillMem8

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SP is the stack pointer. It points to an area in memory where registers are saved to and loaded from as the push and pop instructions are executed. As mentioned previously, it’s first-in-last-out, just like a stack of plates. When pushed to, the register is stored where SP is, and SP decrements by two. The opposite happens when popped from: the register is retrieved from where SP was (without clearing it), and SP increments by two.

At boot up, the top of the stack is initialized to $FFFE. With this value, this cuts into HRAM space. I want to set the stack pointer somewhere in WRAM to give it some extra breathing space. WRAM clearing uses the stack earlier (call is effectively push pc, conversely, ret being pop pc), which is why I did that first.

I define the reserved space in WRAM:

WRAM definitions
wStack:: ds $100 - 1
wStackTop:: db

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Then set it in our init routine:

Set up SP
    ld sp, wStackTop

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Now why would the stack be $100 bytes long? Admittedly this is quite arbitrary, but there’s a possibly good reason which you’ll see later.

3. Clearing the screen

Turning off the screen

Before I can do anything with the screen, I should disable it to ensure that I’m not changing it while it’s being accessed. Updating the screen can be done while it’s on, but since I’m in an init function, it’s better to just disable the screen.

I define a helper function DisableLCD here. All it does is wait for the current scanline number to be rendered to be out of bounds (waiting for line 145 to be hit), at which point the Game Boy will enter VBlank. After that, it’s safe to disable the LCD controller, which I then do.

This waiting has to be done because disabling the LCD outside of VBlank may damage real hardware.

;; Turns off the screen
;; @return [rLCDC] ~= LCD_ENABLE_BIT
    ld a, [rLY]
    cp LY_VBLANK
    jr nc, .disable ; >= LY_VBLANK? jump if yes
    jr .wait        ; otherwise keep waiting
    ld a, [rLCDC]
    res LCD_ENABLE_BIT, a ; disable LCD
    ld [rLCDC], a

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Helper functions +=

I then call it from the initialization routine.

Turn off the screen
    call DisableLCD

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Reset the screen

I clear the entirety of VRAM and reset every scroll register. At this point, A = 0.

Reset the screen
; zero out VRAM
    ld hl, VRAM_START
    call FillMem16

; reset scroll registers
    ldh [rSCX], a
    ldh [rSCY], a

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I scroll the window down off-screen initially.

Reset the screen +=
; scroll the window register out
    ld a, LY_VBLANK
    ldh [rWY], a
    ld a, 7
    ldh [rWX], a

And I reset all monochrome palettes used by the Game Boy. The Game Boy follows a sort of reverse-format for palettes, and is an 8-bit value with the shades being 2 bits each. The normal palette as defined in binary is 11 10 01 00 (black, dark gray, light gray, white), which I’ll use to set all 3 palettes used by the Game Boy.

Reset the screen +=
    ld a, %11100100
    ldh [rBGP], a  ; background
    ldh [rOBP0], a ; object palette 0
    ldh [rOBP1], a ; object palette 1

4. Reset audio

I’ll kill the audio circuitry by zeroing out NR52. This has the bonus effect of also zeroing out all the audio registers. A is still 0 at this point.

Reset audio
    ldh [rNR52], a

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5. Copy DMA code

This is needed for manipulating sprites, since it’s not possible to manipulate OAM directly. Instead, let the Game Boy itself do it though a DMA transfer from RAM to OAM. During this time, the CPU cannot access anything other than HRAM, so to ensure the CPU can go back to the ROM safely, I need to place this code inside HRAM, and run it from there.

This also means that I need to make room for a “virtual OAM” inside of WRAM. This is what I’ll update from within the program, instead of using the OAM memory region directly.

WRAM definitions +=
wVirtualOAM:: ds 4*MAX_SPRITES

Let’s define MAX_SPRITES to make the code a bit more obvious:

/src/include/ +=

With that, I can write the code that needs to be copied. Note that all this code does is wait until the DMA finishes doing its thing.

    ld a, wVirtualOAM // $1000000 ; HIGH(wVirtualOAM)
    ldh [rDMA], a
    ld a, MAX_SPRITES ; wait 4 * MAX_SPRITES cycles 
    dec a        ; 1 cycle
    jr nz, .loop ; 3 cycles

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Helper functions +=

I reserve some space in HRAM for the code:

HRAM definitions +=
hDMACode:: ds 10

Then the DMA code is copied there. This time, I’m not using the helper functions, since I want to make use of this particular instruction: ld [$ff00+c], a.

Copy HRAM DMA code
    ld hl, DMARoutine
    ld b, DMARoutine_END - DMARoutine
    ld c, hDMACode ~/ $ff ; LOW(hDMACode)
    ld a, [hl+]
    ld [$ff00+c], a
    inc c
    dec b
    jr nz, .copy_code

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Because of the nature of rDMA, I have to ensure that wVirtualOAM’s location is a multiple of $100. wStack (as you saw earlier) comes before it, and the rather arbitrary size of $100 happens to fit nicely with this requirement.

Now where would this code be run… how about once every frame? I can use the VBlank interrupt to call the code from the allocated space in HRAM:

Contents of VBlank
    call hDMACode

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6. Set up the game graphics

Next up, I’ll copy the graphics to VRAM, starting with the actual tiles, and then setting up the background.

Set up the game graphics
@{Copy over the main tileset}
@{Copy over the score numeral tileset}
@{Copy over the background tile map}

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Load main tileset

The main tileset in use is, well, plain Pong graphics. For this game I’m going with a sort of 3D type look. These graphics will be used for the objects as well as the background.

Game graphics
Game graphics

I’ll include the data here. The .2bpp file will be automatically generated from the .png file when built.

Miscellaneous data
    incbin "gfx/game.2bpp"

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(Also notice the use of incbin instead of include. As it says, it inserts a binary file straight into the ROM, instead of trying to compile the file as source code—which is what include does.)

And then load it into VRAM—specifically, the first tileset slot—with the CopyMem16 helper function. At this point, the screen is still off, so I’m safe to do it like a regular memory copy.

Copy over the main tileset
    ld hl, vChars0
    ld de, PongGFX
    ld bc, PongGFX_END - PongGFX
    call CopyMem16

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Loading numerals

Then, these numerals, which will be used for the score display. They’re 8x16 blocks with the upper half stored first and then the lower half. They’ll be used to print the score to the background.

Score numerals
Score numerals

I’ll include it just like the Pong graphics:

Miscellaneous data +=
    incbin "gfx/numbers.2bpp"

And then load them up similarly, only such that it starts at tile $10.

Copy over the score numeral tileset
    ld hl, vChars0 + $100
    ld de, NumbersGFX
    ld bc, NumbersGFX_END - NumbersGFX
    call CopyMem16

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There’s a little compiler trick i can use here. Instead of $100, I can just say how many tiles to offset it with. To do that, I first define this:

tiles equs "* $10"

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What this does is make it so that the statement 6 tiles in the code turns into 6 * $10. The $10 is how big one tile’s worth of graphics are in VRAM.

So now, I can write this instead:

Copy over the score numeral tileset :=
    ld hl, vChars0 + $10 tiles
    ld de, NumbersGFX
    ld bc, NumbersGFX_END - NumbersGFX
    call CopyMem16

Load the background

The background will use the main tileset, so I’ll incbin the tile map.

Miscellaneous data +=
    incbin "gfx/"

I’m not doing anything fancy (or optimized) here, it’s just a straight-up copy to the first background map slot.

Copy over the background tile map
    ld hl, vBGMap0
    ld de, BackgroundMAP
    ld bc, BackgroundMAP_END - BackgroundMAP
    call CopyMem16

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A look at VRAM

After this is done, here’s what the tileset in VRAM will look like:

The Pong graphics start at tile $00 through $09, while the numerals start at $10, being split as the upper half ($10$19) and the lower half ($1A$22)

7. Initializing variables

I’ll define the variables that I think a typical Pong game can have. Here I assume that the paddles will not be able to move left and right—only up and down. So I’ll store only the Y position of both paddles.

WRAM definitions +=
; paddle position
wLeftPaddleY:: db
wRightPaddleY:: db

Every Pong clone since about 1975 has got to have its own scorekeeping system, so I’ll prepare those, too.

WRAM definitions +=
; score
wLeftScore:: db
wRightScore:: db

Then the position of the ball, for the physics and stuff.

WRAM definitions +=
; ball position
wBallX:: db
wBallY:: db

And then I’ll fill all of them in… except the score, obviously. The paddles will have the same starting position, so I can use one constant for both.

Constants +=
Set up sprites and variables
    ld [wLeftPaddleY], a
    ld [wRightPaddleY], a
    ld [wBallX], a
    ld [wBallY], a

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Next I’ll place the objects on the screen, which I’ll get to shortly.

Set up sprites and variables +=
    call SetupLeftPaddle
    call SetupRightPaddle
    call SetupBall

8. Setting up sprites

I’m using a fixed allocation system for my sprites: 5 sprites each for the paddles and 1 sprite for the ball. So 11 sprites in total, all of them 8×8 sprites. Here’s how it’ll be laid out:

Given a starting Y position, the individual paddle sprites will be offset to the bottom by 8 pixels each (from the sprite above it) so as to form the complete paddle, while the ball stands on its own and can be moved freely.

Initializing the left paddle

To make things a little easier, let’s have a shortcut to add sprites. It just places whatever is in A, B, C, D to the address pointed to by HL.

;; Uses A, B, C, D to write to OAM.
;; @param HL   sprite starting position
;; @param A    sprite's Y position
;; @param B    sprite's X position
;; @param C    sprite's tile
;; @param D    sprite's flags
    ld [hl+], a
    ld [hl], b
    inc hl
    ld [hl], c
    inc hl
    ld [hl], d
    inc hl

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First up, something to put the left paddle sprite on screen. The left paddle will occupy sprite slots 0–4, so its starting slot is 0.

Constants +=

I want some space between the left side of the screen and the left paddle, just to make things nicer to look at. So here’s the starting X position.

Constants +=

The compiler trick explained previously, but this time I’m using it to say which sprite slot I want to start in.

Constants +=
sprite equs "+ 4*"

You can see it in action here, where wVirtualOAM sprite SPRITE_SLOT_LEFT_PADDLE really just compiles to wVirtualOAM + 4*0.

    ld hl, wVirtualOAM sprite SPRITE_SLOT_LEFT_PADDLE
    ld d, 0  ; flags
    ld b, LEFT_PADDLE_X  ; X position
    ld c, 8  ; tile (top of paddle)

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As established earlier, I can’t put sprites directly into OAM memory, which is why wVirtualOAM is used instead.

I’ll set up the first sprite of the paddle…

SetupLeftPaddle +=
; first sprite
    ld a, [wLeftPaddleY]
    call AddSprite

Then the next sprites will be added downwards of 8 pixels at a time.

SetupLeftPaddle +=
; second sprite
    ld c, 1  ; set tile to the mid-paddle one
    add a, 8
    call AddSprite

; third sprite
    add a, 8
    call AddSprite

; fourth sprite
    add a, 8
    call AddSprite

; final sprite
    ld c, 9  ; bottom of paddle
    add a, 8

Finally, I use jp here. It’s better to use it than having a call then a ret, since this is a subroutine called from somewhere else.

SetupLeftPaddle +=
; fall through
    jp AddSprite

Initializing the right paddle

Same as before, but the right paddle will occupy sprite slots 5–9.

Constants +=

I’ll set this to 8 pixels away from the right edge of the screen.

Constants +=
RIGHT_PADDLE_X equ 160-8

And then the similar-looking code.

    ld hl, wVirtualOAM sprite SPRITE_SLOT_RIGHT_PADDLE
    ld d, 0  ; flags
    ld b, RIGHT_PADDLE_X  ; X position
    ld c, 8  ; tile
; first sprite
    ld a, [wRightPaddleY]
    call AddSprite
; second sprite
    ld c, 1
    add a, 8
    call AddSprite
; third sprite
    add a, 8
    call AddSprite
; fourth sprite
    add a, 8
    call AddSprite
; fifth sprite
    ld c, 9
    add a, 8
; fall through
    jp AddSprite

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Initializing the ball

The ball will occupy sprite slot 10. Since the ball is only one sprite, this is a simpler subroutine.

Constants +=

Basically just a call to AddSprite, nothing more.

    ld hl, wVirtualOAM sprite SPRITE_SLOT_BALL
    ld a, [wBallX]
    ld b, a
    ld a, [wBallY]
    ld c, 2
    ld d, 0
    jp AddSprite

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Add functions to ROM

Let’s add the helpers I defined here…

Helper functions +=

9. Finishing up initialization

Turning on the screen

Finally, I’ll turn on the screen, since I’m just about done loading everything. I’ll define EnableLCD to have a sort of “preset” for the entire game.

I chose to have the tileset at $8000 and the tilemap at $9800.

    ldh [rLCDC], a

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Helper functions +=

Then it’s one call away.

Turn on screen
    call EnableLCD

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Enabling interrupts

Here I enable interrupts, but choosing specifically which interrupt to enable. In this case, only the VBlank interrupt.

Enable the interrupts again
; set the interrupt to enable
    ld a, 1 << VBLANK
    ldh [rIE], a

; enable them

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